by Busy WWW
The Peephole Security System has been built for keeping you and those close to you safe.You can inst...
The Peephole Security System has been built for keeping you and those close to you safe.You can install your old smart phone over the peephole of your own or your parents’ door for example, and get pictorials of visitors to the front door. The application is really easy to use, with no futile buttons.After the initial set up and guide, it is enough that you tap the screen and the picture will be taken with preset settings from the other side of the door. The picture will be saved and if you want, it can also be sent as e-mail or picture message (MMS) to one or more recipients chosen by you.
The application enables you to see better behind the door than from just looking thru the peephole. Also, the person outside the door cannot see inside at all as the peephole is covered with the smart phone or tablet.The Peephole Security System is an easy on pocket safety solution for you, your home and your close ones.
The application also includes a safety function – by pressing the red help button on the screen you can quickly and discreetly call for help with an SMS text message, which is sent to people chosen by you during set-up. The text content can also be written beforehand and tailored for your specific use.
Attaching the smart phone on top of the peephole is easy with self-sealing Velcro. Velcro can be found from supermarkets, handicraft and hobby shops near you.The Peephole Security System can be installed to virtually any smart phone, even an old one. Now is the time to take old smartphones gathering dust back into real use and make the home a safer place.
Safety to shop counters
The Peephole Security System can also be utilized without a peephole for example on shop counters. In a threatening situation, the shop clerk can touch the dimmed display. The touch makes the device take a picture of the persons in front of the desk and will discreetly send a picture and call for help to preset addresses.
The security of our homes is of primary importance in the modern world. We face the risks of home invasion and attempts to enter by confidence tricksters. Using the traditional peephole is difficult to all of us and especially to children, people wearing glasses, using wheelchairs or people using other types of mobility aids. Children and elderly people that are unable to utilize the traditional peephole are prone to open the door. Uninvited party guests are something we have globally.
The Peephole Security System is the solution to the problem, by offering a good camera the visibility to the other side of the door. You can attach the mobile device to the door with the Velcro yourself. Velcro is strong enough to support the smartphone but also be attached or detached easily upon need.You can see also further instructions on the video accompanied with this description.The Peephole Security System brings extra safety and security, especially to families with children and to households with elderly people.
The Peephole Security System works on devices with Android 2.3 or later.